Case Club Rules

BBAM Beer Totals
Case Club Rules
In the Media

General Rules for the

Busch Brothers

Case Club

·        24 full beers

·        Must sign, date, and number (if possible) each can

·        Must put each can on the wall before next one is finished

·         Only cans at the mountains count (or another official Busch Brother event)

·        Hours are from 12:00 noon till 8:00 AM

·        Must swallow all beer

·        Must drink entire can, or it does not count (no spillage)

·        No more excess beer than palm of the hand, if questioned

·        Must stay awake until finished(60 second limit)

·        Must be a honorary, associate, or full member of the Busch Brothers

·        At least one other Busch Brother must be present for each can put on wall

·        All case club initiates must be voted on before name is put on plaque

 Case Club Members