BBAM 2007

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Here are the notes from the bbam07 at Daniels pub:
please let me, or Tex know if you have anything else to add (or question).

free beer for the pick your pony winner (Paul won this yr, but next yr we need an auditor at the next year from each member.
bbam08 to be held at Jon s. house if the Busch Mountain is not available.
Robb voted out.
Mike McConnell voted in as honorary member.
Fred (friend of Jon s) voted down as honorary member, but request is given to appear next year at the bbam08.
If there is something from the house you wish to have please ask Steve and Paul.
Tex is voted in as the new president and assumes leadership at 8:01AM - 1July07.
Paul is voted in as the official statistician for the house and the BB.
Tony is voted in as POC for pictures and video of the house and BB.
Chris is voted as the new webmaster.

Misc notes.
After 15 yrs of attempts........ Tex finally makes it into the case club.
Mike and
Paul make the case club once again.
Rich and
Chris come up one can shy of 24.
Dustin comes thru with the bbam07 T-shirts.
Steve comes thru with the 15th BBAM logo glasses.

The meeting was a success: 
The weather was great.
15 members were in attendance for the 15th annual meeting.
No one ended up in the hospital and no one ended up at the police station.

To see some of the pictures click here